Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hooray for Warmer Weather!

Our walk with Nanny Annie
Cruising on the front porch
Jace Mitchel
Bret Carlton
Well, we were thrilled this week to reach temperatures warm enough for the boys to get outside and get some fresh air!  Nanny Annie took the boys for a walk on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  They went to the bank, to school to visit Mommy, and to eat at Socials!  Thursday evening Grandma came over and we took another walk and then spent some time playing on the front porch.  The boys loved driving their cars around the porch while watching real cars zip by on the road.  The boys spent time on the porch swing with Grandma and then slept so good from all the fresh air!  I am hoping that it blew all the cooties away and we will all be healthy now!  Jace is over the roseola, both boys have cut their front teeth, and they have slept well 3 nights in a row now!  Fingers crossed people....we might actually be getting into the routine of sleeping well!  It's a 3 day weekend, my babies are sleeping upstairs, Potsie Lee is snoring like a chainsaw in his doggy bed, and I have a good book,Diet Sierra Mist, and hottie hubby waiting for me is good!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's fun to have brothers!

The boys really love Potsie and are starting to want to play with him all the time.  Bret has realized that Potsie likes his mum-mum snacks so he thinks he should share them! 

I must say that I have 2 tiny guys who really love their naked time!  Every evening they love to take their medicine, get their clothes off, and waller around naked!  Bret has even found that he can climb on the couch, crawl around  the room, and play with all his toys in the nude!  Gotta love naked time!

Just this week Bret has started pulling himself up and standing at the couch, his crib, the baby gates, etc.  It's so cute to see his little face peeking out like "Hello, does anyone want to play with me?"  Jace has perfected his army crawl and looks like a little soldier bellying through the trenches!  He is getting fast and I think once he learns to crawl on his knees he will be able to keep up with Bret.  Potsie won't stand a chance once both of them are walking!  Yesterday Bret actually pulled himself up by yanking on Potsie sweatshirt and then stood with Potsie supporting him.  Potsie had the most hilarious look and you could almost hear him thinking "Now I am stuck here because if I move my brother will fall and then cry.....sigh."

I must say that although they are teething and not sleeping in the night my guys are still sweet little fellows!  But I dearly wish that these front teeth would come in so I could get some sleep at night!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day Fun!

Well, we escaped the ice but not the snow so Mitchel and I had 2 snow days at home with the boys!  The boys recently acquired an inflatable minion from Uncle Gabe.  Bret took to it immediately and after a few moments of sheer terror Jace followed suite.  They now love the minion, fight over who gets to gnaw on it's arms, who gets to kick it while swinging in the Johnny Jump Up, who gets to run it over while in the walker! It's an endless source of fun!  Mitchel and I watched (and played along) and the poor minion was beat to death on our snow days!  Even Potsie tried to join the fun but we had to nix that because the boys would throw a fit if he popped their favorite playmate!  For those of you who have not yet seen the movie Despicable Me I have 3 words for you....
"It's So Fluffy!"
Now go and rent the movie and watch it immediately!

So, what does my hottie hubby enjoy doing with our adorable children as I empty the dishwasher, do the bills, nap, or otherwise occupy myself?   Oh, you know, the usual.  Roughhouse, zerbert, sing the Purdue fight song, beat up the minion, put coasters on their head like little Jewish yarmulkes.

 On the up side, we got some laundry done. 
Don't you wish everything you find in your hamper could be as cute as this?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blogging....yes, I can do that!

Wheelie Jace!

Bret loves his car!

My little guys!

Well, I am taking the step and starting a blog so that friends and family can keep up on all the progress the boys are making!  We are having a blizzard and tomorrow is another snow day so I thought this would be a good time to start blogging!  

I want your car!

 The boys are doing well and getting bigger and bigger every day!  Bret just finished up a bout of Roseola and we are praying that Jace does not get it.  It's been over a week since Bret got sick so maybe we are in the clear.  Bret is our little greased lightening and is crawling all over the place.  Jace is army crawling now but is pretty content to get in a spot and stay there.  Bret is pulling himself up in his bed, he can now kneel and get into Potsie's toy box, and today he found Potsie's food and water bowls....which have now been relocated!  Jace loves the Johnny Jump-Up and running all over the place in his walker.  Both boys enjoy sitting on their little car toys but don't quite have a knack for driving yet!  But I must say they have had some impressive crashes, slide-offs, and tip-overs!  The boys are loving those little puffs and mum-mum bars.  Potsie also loves them so we have to keep an eye out or he will be nipping them right out of their hands!  They have 4 teeth each now; both bottom ones and vampire teeth on top.  We have decided we are Team Edward at our house since we have 2 little vampires!  It's a constant adventure at our house and I can't believe in one month they will be a year old.  Everyone is right, time does fly when you have babies.  My 2 month premature little peanuts have grown into 23 pound boys who crawl, chat, play, jump, roll, and eat, eat, eat!  
I LOVE it!!